The BOX-WIN project
The BOX-WIN project published a series of Technical reports. Some of these were published as papers in scientific journals. NB! Publications 3 and 11 below are also on the BOX list since the work started during the BOX project and was finished during the BOX-WIN project. Publication 10 is a discussion paper where one may follow the (open) review process. This process led to publication 11. All publications from BOX-WIN can be downloaded from this site.
Ödalen, M., Stigebrandt, A., 2013. Hydrographical conditions in the Bornholm Basin of importance for oxygenation of the deepwater by pumping down oxygen saturated water from above the halocline, BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 1, Report C96, ISSN 1400- 383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Ödalen, M., Stigebrandt, A., 2013. Factors of potential importance for the location of wind-driven water pumps in the Bornholm Basin, BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 2, Report C97, ISSN 1400-383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Stigebrandt, A., Kalén, O., 2012. Improving oxygen conditions in the deeper parts of Bornholm Sea by pumped injection of winter water, Ambio, 41, no. 8, Dec 2012, doi: 10.1007/s13280-012-0356-4 (BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 3)
Eriksson, H., Kullander, T., 2013. Assessing feasible mooring technologies for a Demonstrator in the Bornholm Basin as restricted to the modes of operation and limitations for the Demonstrator, BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 4, Report C98, ISSN 1400-383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Eriksson, H., Kullander, T., 2013. Assessing important technical risks from use of a floating wind turbine unit equipped with pumps for oxygenation of the deepwater, BOXWIN Technical Report no. 5, Report C99, ISSN 1400-383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Hellström, T., Ödalen, M., 2013. Long-time behaviour of mustard gas dumped in the Bornholm Basin, BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 6, Report C100, ISSN 1400-383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Eriksson, H., Kullander, T., 2013. Survey of Swedish suppliers to a floating wind turbine unit equipped with pumps for oxygenation of the deepwater, BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 7, Report C101, ISSN 1400-383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Eriksson, H., Kullander, T., 2013. Plan and Cost Estimate for a Demonstrator – a floating wind turbine unit equipped with pumps for oxygenation of the deepwater, and associated patents and immaterial rights, BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 8, Report C104, ISSN 1400-383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Ödalen, M., 2013. Application procedure requirements for concession to anchor and use a floating offshore wind turbine with pumping package in the Bornholm Basin – based on national legislation and the Espoo (EIA) Convention, BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 9, Report C105, ISSN 1400-383X, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
Stigebrandt, A., Rosenberg, R., Råman-Vinnå, L., Ödalen, M., 2014: Consequences of artificial deepwater ventilation in the Bornholm Basin for oxygen conditions, cod reproduction and benthic biomass – a model study. Ocean Sci. Discuss., 11, 1783-1827. DOI: 10.5194/osd-11-1783-2014.
Stigebrandt, A., Rosenberg, R., Råman-Vinnå, L., Ödalen, M., 2015: Consequences of artificial deepwater ventilation in the Bornholm Basin for oxygen conditions, cod reproduction and benthic biomass – a model study. Ocean Sci. 11, 93-110, doi:10.5194/os-11-1-2015.