”Improving oxygen conditions in periodically stagnant basins using sea-based measures – Illustrated by hypothetical applications to the By Fjord, Sweden”
av Stigebrandt & Andersson
”Syrefritt djupvatten accelererar Östersjöns övergödning”
av Stigebrandt
”The Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea has been Boosted and Perpetuated by a Major Internal Phosphorus Source”
by Stigebrandt & Andersson
”Response to ‘‘Limited capacity to retain phosphorus in the Baltic proper offshore sediments’’ by Karlsson and Malmaeus”
by Stigebrandt
”On the response of the Baltic proper to changes of the total phosphorus supply”
by Stigebrandt
”Oxygenated deep bottoms beneath a thick hypoxic layer lack potential of benthic colonization”
by Stigebrandt, Rosenberg, Magnusson & Linders
”Rapid-re-oxygenation of Baltic Sea sediments following a large inflow event”
by Rosenberg, Magnusson & Stigebrandt
”Consequences of artificial deepwater ventilation
in the Bornholm Basin for oxygen conditions,
cod reproduction and benthic biomass
– a model study”
by Stigebrandt, A. et al.
Ocean Sci., 11, 93–110, 2015
”An Experiment with Forced Oxygenation
of the Deepwater of the Anoxic ByFjord,
Western Sweden”
by Stigebrandt, A. et al.
A Journal of the Human Environment
ISSN: 0044-7447
Published online 1 May 2014
”A New Phosphorus Paradigm
for the Baltic proper”
by Stigebrandt, A. et al.
AMBIO 2014, 43:634–643
A Journal of the Human Environment
ISSN: 1654-7209 (electronic version)
Published online 11 October 2013
BOX-WIN Technical Report no. 3
”Improving oxygen conditions in the deeper parts of Bornholm Sea by pumped injection of winter water”
by Anders Stigebrandt & Ola Kalén
Ambio, vol 41, no. 8, Dec 2012
ISSN 0044-7447
DOI 10.1007/s13280-012-0356-4
Sci., 11, 93–110, 2015
(Original manuscript)
”Consequences of artificial deepwater ventilation
in the Bornholm Basin for oxygen conditions,
cod reproduction and benthic biomass
– a model study” by Stigebrandt, A. et al.